The Power of a Moment
The Power of a Moment
Loch Ard x Fabiana
Loch Ard x Fabiana
Isle Of Skye Whisky
Isle Of Skye Whisky
Retro Works
Retro Works
Speyside Cooperage
Speyside Cooperage
Metre by Metre
Metre by Metre
Hope Tech Spec
Hope Tech Spec
Moray East
Moray East
The Power of a Moment
NORTONCampaign film for Norton Motorcycles fashion line.
Loch Ard x Fabiana
Isle Of Skye WhiskyCommercial Film for Isle Of Skye Whisky from Edinburgh video production service Brett Currie
ImmerseAward winning short documentary by Edinburgh filmmaker Brett Currie about how one woman used outdoor swimming when faced with cancer
Retro WorksPromotion video of Retro Works Scotland by Edinburgh filmmaker Brett Currie
Speyside CooperageShort film of Speyside Cooperage by Edinburgh film director Brett Currie
Metre by Metre A short film of the Meter by Meter channel swim challenge which raised over £130,000 for charity
Hope Tech SpecSpec film commercial for Hope Tech
Moray East Short drone film of Moray East offshore wind farm
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